Went to Hobby Lobby tonight, among a lot of other places, and was talking to the cashier for a minute or two. She lost her job several months ago and is now working 3 part time jobs to make ends meet. Three part time jobs! She seemed like such a nice woman and I felt terrible for her. I certainly don't take my job for granted and I know it could be gone in a flash. I'd be in dire straits if that happened. My savings consists of..um..let me think for a minute....oh yes, that would be...... $0.00. I guess that's something to start worrying about, not much of a cushion is it? If I could sell all my pets for a good price, I'd be okay for awhile. : ) But I don't think that would happen.
So today, I'm grateful to be working, glad that I'm able to work and happy that tomorrow is payday!
Sometimes it is good to be reminded how blessed we really are! I'm not sure I could get a good price for my pets -- I'm pretty sure I would have to pay someone a lot to take them off my hands!