Went to Hobby Lobby tonight, among a lot of other places, and was talking to the cashier for a minute or two. She lost her job several months ago and is now working 3 part time jobs to make ends meet. Three part time jobs! She seemed like such a nice woman and I felt terrible for her. I certainly don't take my job for granted and I know it could be gone in a flash. I'd be in dire straits if that happened. My savings consists of..um..let me think for a minute....oh yes, that would be...... $0.00. I guess that's something to start worrying about, not much of a cushion is it? If I could sell all my pets for a good price, I'd be okay for awhile. : ) But I don't think that would happen.
So today, I'm grateful to be working, glad that I'm able to work and happy that tomorrow is payday!